Kiss, Cuddle and Dedication From A Rescue Cat Mama

Sebenarnya, sejak tahun lepas lagi PH selalu menerima 'Newsletter' melalui email yang datangnya daripada sebab PH tertarik dengan pengendali laman blog ini yang selalu menceritakan mengenai kucing yang diselamatkan di dalm blognya...Kalau nak tahu,  blog ini juga adalah sumber inspirasi PH ketika masa mula-mula menulis blog selalin dari yang dikendalikan oleh Abang Sham....Jadi, mulai hari ini, PH akan berkongsi dengan para pembaca semua akan setiap 'Newsletter' yang PH terima dari
Semoga Terhibur...

Muriel the cat mama is very tied up with all the tiny paws and hungry mouths. This beautiful black rescue just gave birth to a litter of five.
ā€œSheā€™s been such a brave girl. She didnā€™t meow at all on the car ride to my house and has been such a sweetheart. Sheā€™s all black with a little white spot on her chest. Sheā€™s very small and I thought maybe she was a ā€˜teenagerā€™ like Norma was, but apparently sheā€™s six years old! Needless to say, sheā€™s had a lot of experience with the whole mommy thing and definitely knows what sheā€™s doing with the kittens. There are three black and white ones and two gray and white ones,ā€ said Lindsey, their foster mom.
Love and kisses:
cute black cat mama kisses baby kitten
A little chin hug:
cute black rescue cat mama snuggling baby kitten tuxedo
cute black rescue cat mama snuggling baby kitten chin hug
Food time is a frenzy, but mama is a good sport.
cute black cat mama nursing baby kittens
Photos and story courtesy of Lindsey. You can follow the kittiesā€™ progress at her lovely blog.


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